Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Interview #5

I got an interview with another Big 4 firm.  Applied to 3 of the 4 and got interviews from 2.  I will know if I get a callback from the first one next week.  My first interview for this new one is tomorrow (thank god it's a phone interview).

I'm pretty tired.  It's hard waking up at 6 am for work when the sun's not up.  It's also hard working in the early mornings and then going to class into the late nights.  I have to say that I am fortunate my classes are not eating me up this semester.  It's all manageable.  Nonetheless, it's still hard - I have yet to meet anyone who is in law school full time and working part time.  We're not legally allowed to work more than 20 hours per week with a full time schedule (I'm working 18 hours) - that just shows how impossible it can be.

Anyways, I should be excited by this interview tomorrow, but I'm not for some reason.  That "some reason" is probably the same reason I have once a month.  If not, it's because I'm tired.  On top of that, I think I really am stressed out.  I haven't been able to sleep since I started interviewing and working these past couple months.  It takes me forever to fall asleep and, when I do, I dream of horrible things.  For example, I tried going to bed early last night and I dreamt that I saw a light and went to it and a swarm of bugs started to attack me and I screamed and woke up - apparently it was just the light from the bf's cellphone.  Wow.

I'm still trying to prove myself at work.  My supervisor says I'm doing a good job but I can still work on understanding who my audience is when I draft something and make sure it flows. . . *sigh*  I have to be in the office at 7am this Friday - which means I have to leave my apartment at 6am - which means I have to wake up at 5:30am.  Damn.

Flavia de Oliveira for Elle Spain
I've been mentally drained, but at least I've been able to physically keep it up.
I've learned that when you look like a mess, you feel like a mess and
when you look like a million bucks, you feel like a million bucks. . .
whatever that means    

Wish me luck on hearing back from Interview #4 and acing Interview #5                     

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