Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Official Beginning of my Spring BREAK

March 31st. Today marks the one year anniversary since I came on board with my company. I was surprised this morning not with a little Congratulations Nat on hitting your one year with us card but rather a big white cardboard box near my desk and a phone call from upper management. My gift was not only getting today off paid, but a severance package as well.
There was no pink slip like in the movies, but there was that dramatic feeling of walking out of the office holding a big box and upon my final exit, even the parking attendant said the words, “I’m sorry.”
So how do I feel? I’m not quite sure really…I had predicted this and had talked to my friends a few times that if our company had another round of lay-offs I would be ok with leaving, given I was already mentally ready for the next phase in my life. It’s happened too soon and now I have all this time before Law School starts to...I’m not sure what to do…sell my clothes and just window shop to satiate my shopping hunger, soak up the sun and become a beach bum, become a domesticated housewife and live off my boyfriend? I wasn’t ready to be released from the mundane working world so soon…
It feels bittersweet for me at least…bitter because it’s premature and sweet because I’m free to live it up before an intense 3 years of my life in the fall. So I guess you can expect to see more of me in the next few months!

 Yours Truly,
Young, Fabulous and Broke

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