Upon going to my Mom's accountant to get her taxes done later on the day, the accountant tells us that her wonderful daughter is planning on going to med school and become a doctor...my mom comes back with a "Oh well my daughter is going to law school..." With a look of almost refrained disgust, she responds "Law school? Why do you want to be a lawyer? You want to argue for a living?" I was at a lost for words as it was hard to think and respond in Vietnamese- since I'm not very fluent...So here I was thinking- why do I want to be a lawyer? For a moment, I actually second guessed myself...
As the day progress, I still felt dumbfounded...After graduation, a part of me had felt stagnant and lost when it came to what I wanted to do with my life and I needed a leaping board to advance me further- I have to admit that like most people it was what you'd call an expensive "Default option." It was for a point, but as the months went on to the painful task of studying for the LSAT, to the application process, to getting my first acceptance letter I started changing my mindframe about the concept of me becoming a lawyer and the idea adjusted in my head. I really believe that law school will open new doors for me and expose me to a network of intelligent people who will challenge my intellectual capabilities and push me further in the right direction. Sometimes you gotta hit the ground running and have that blind faith that whatever's planned may go astray but you will end up closer to your realized dream than if you sat and pondered what ifs all your life...
A slow Monday at work...so may return with more thoughts...
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