Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the Happiness Project

via Pinterest
I am finally in the midst of finals and have put away the stress of juggling part time work, a full load of classes and interviewing and networking to land the ideal job.  It feels good to have won that uphill battle and start the new war of acing my finals and really wrapping up the semester with a bang.

As the warmth of Thanksgiving has passed and the coziness of Christmas music and lights is starting to blanket the cities, I have really been thinking about how extremely fortunate to be exactly where I am at this point in my life.  Although I sometimes feel as though I have been running around like a headless turkey trying to survive each semester (not only to stay alive but to lay out the rest of my future), I have gone to bed each night feeling blessed in so many ways.  I do feel that I am where I want to be career-wise because of all the energy I put into planning and implementing.  But where have all the years gone?  1% of the time, I make plans with all the ambition and enthusiasm of an uninhibited child and then I spend  98% of the time implementing those plans inhibited by the pressures of life. . . holding my breath, trying not to sink, swimming for my life until I finally reach the next island . . . all so I can catch my breath for air and spend the remainder of that 1% celebrating on that island; all this so I can start over and plan how to get to next island.  What happens in the end is I have managed to "travel the world" yet I have lost my youth along the way.  Yes, the cliche "it's the journey not the destination" is what I'm getting at.  So my point is this:  This new year, I plan to learn how to old my breath underwater and enjoy the view :)

I stumbled across this website: http://www.happiness-project.com/happiness_project/ via Forbes Woman and ordered the book and the journal so I can start this growing process.  THIS is the manifestation of my attempt at implementing a resolution of building myself personally and spiritually.

I have 2.5 weeks before the semester is over and I am 83% of the way through law school!  Then comes a wonderful month long of doing anything I want!  No work, no school, no anything!  I really plan to soak up this me-time!

Winter Break Plan
1.  Read more
2.  Blog often
3.  Bikram Yoga                              
4.  Bar Prep Plan
5.  Mini Getaway with the BF
6.  Plan Graduation Vacation
7. (@12/10) Remodel Vanity and Office area

I'll add on to the list as it comes to me. . .
Nonetheless, what comes after this wonderful break is 2012 : the end of my professional student life and the beginning of my professional career!

A.  (Jan-May) Final Semester + Graduation!
B.  (Jun-Jul) Excruciating Pain of Studying for the Bar + Taking the Bar!
C.  (Aug-Sept) Vacation + Lazing around in Freedom
D.  (October-...) Start of my Career!

I can see all this just flash before my eyes!  Next thing you know I'll have a list of things to do before I turn 30!  I am slowly blossoming out of my cocoon.  However, this coming year I plan to be mindful of each day because "the days are long, but the years are short."

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